The Fourth Industrial Revolution, defined as a merging of physical and biologic systems, has arrived. As a result, it’s more important than ever to examine and understand how technology will impact your life and business. If you’re searching for quick-read posts which highlight disruptive innovations from a wide variety of topics (including artificial intelligence, smart cities, consumer technologies, health tech, autonomy, space, startups, and more), you’re in the right place.

Tracking More Than 250 Higher Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs
There are now more than 250 higher education innovation and entrepreneurship programs.

Tracking More Than 430 Incubators And Accelerators Globally
The reality is that entrepreneurship is a hard road. Fortunately for entrepreneurs who opt to pursue their startup dreams, innovation ecosystems have become significantly more robust over the past two decades.

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is defined as a merging of physical and biologic systems, has arrived. As a result, it’s more important than ever to examine and understand how technology will impact your life and business.